Thursday, December 22, 2011

NEW Creative Edge Facebook Page

You can check it out here - you might even LIKE it!
This will keep you updated with the planning for the creativity forum to be held in Taranaki / New Zealand in 2013. Check how you might be involved in it!

Why Creative People Are Eccentric

It isn’t just average Joes who perceive highly creative individuals as eccentric. These individuals often see themselves as different and unable to fit in. The latest findings in brain imaging, creativity research and molecular biology suggest that these perceptions are not just based on a few anecdotal accounts of “weird” scientists and artists. In fact, creativity and eccentricity often go hand in hand, and researchers now believe that both traits may be a result of how the brain filters incoming information. Even in the business world, there is a growing appreciation of the link between creative thinking and unconventional behavior, with increased acceptance of the latter.

15 scientific facts about creativity

Although creativity keeps human society flourishing, science honestly offers few answers to how the intricate, infinitely complex concept actually works. No matter how much research pours into measuring and grasping the essential phenomenon, it seems as if more questions pop up than receive tangible answers. Theories and findings sometimes conflict with one another as well, meaning every "fact" presented here might very well end up discarded in due time. But that’s par for the course when exploring what seems almost entirely inexplicable.

Test your memory

A few years ago, the actor Alan Alda visited a group of memory researchers at the University of California, Irvine, for a TV show he was making. During a picnic lunch, one of the scientists offered Alda a hard-boiled egg. He turned it down, explaining that as a child he had made himself sick eating too many eggs. In fact, this had never happened, yet Alda believed it was real.

12 things you were not taught about creative thinking at school

Shared by Robert Alan Black

Friday, December 16, 2011

Do we value creativity in education?

Shared by Tara Grey Coste

One study found that when teachers were asked to describe their favorite students, the personality traits cited correlated negatively with personality traits associated with creative students, such as being impulsive, emotional, individualistic, and having a preference to be alone when creating something new. Instead, teachers liked traits that ran counter to creativity, such as conformity, sincerity, reliability and unquestioned acceptance of authority.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Time Management for Creative People

Mark McGuiness being interviewed about time management for creative people.

Topics covered in the video include:
■ Why time management matters to creative people (even if they don’t like to admit it!)
■ How to manage a portfolio creative career, juggling multiple creative projects at at time
■ Why I use a post-it note for my daily to-do list
■ How to avoid constantly checking email on your phone (without relying on willpower)
■ How to prioritize between creative ideas, deadlines and things that pay the bills
■ Where time management shades into big picture career decisions

How nonsense sharpens the intellect

The philosopher Soren Kierkegaard wrote that anomalies produce a profound “sensation of the absurd,” and he wasn’t the only one who took them seriously.

Can you imagine the impossible?

An article by Michael Michalko shared via Francois Coetzee

"When I examine myself and my methods of thought, I come to the conclusion that the gift of fantasy has meant more to me than my talent for absorbing positive knowledge." ......Albert Einstein

Pursue your passions

Watch Sir. Ken Robinson share with us real-life stories on pursuing your own passions, changing directions and why you can't plan life "like a production line."

Creativity and Addiction

Shared via Francois Coetzee
Why do so many creative people seem to have addiction problems?

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Creative Recycling

via one of my favourite sites - Reverse Garbage

At the Creative Edge

This article about the proposed creativity gathering in Taranaki March 2013. Thanks to Antony Rhodes of Venture Taranaki

Painting by Micheal Smither

Taranaki has long been a hub of creativity, imagination and innovation, so what better place to host an international creativity gathering in March 2013?

New Plymouth-based creativity expert Wayne Morris of Future Edge is seeking interest in holding a creative gathering in Taranaki modelled on similar international events, and designed to bring some of the leading figures in creativity to the region.

“Creativity is everywhere in Taranaki. Our farming, engineering and creative industries are some of the most innovative in the world. Our arts communities are as vibrant as any in New Zealand. The Taranaki environment has lots to offer, and it’s the perfect place to host the first of this type of event in New Zealand,” says Wayne.

Titled "At the Creative Edge," the proposed event will be held on the three days leading into WOMAD 2013, ensuring the best of Taranaki can be showcased to international visitors. It will be marketed both nationally and internationally, and seek to become a regular addition to Taranaki’s events calendar.

“It’s about making sure creativity and the creative process is recognised, celebrated and enhanced. Without exercise creativity wanes, and the value of creativity to our businesses, teachers, thinkers and doers is in danger of being lost,” Wayne says.

“This event is important to make sure creativity is celebrated and enhanced as a resource for personal, business and community progress.”

At this stage the event is in the concept phase, and Wayne is looking to gather a team of experts and enthusiasts to work through both the viability and the logistics of such an event.

“The idea is there, the international model is there and the audience is there. Now all that’s needed is people to help me make it happen - big thinkers, detail thinkers, designers, money people, networkers - creativity doesn’t discriminate.”

If you’re keen to help make this happen right here in Taranaki then contact Wayne to register your interest or availability on 06 753 5914 or email

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Creative Edge Pod Cast

My first ever pod cast thanks to Jeff Porter of Regional Business Talk Radio.

How to cope with creativity [or a boring workplace]

Creativity and fun in the corporate world.

Creativity for Life

A great site - check it out!

12 things you weren't taught in school about creative thinking

How to lead a creative life

This from Fast Company

Your innovation level

What innovation level are you playing at? Find out by reading the article "What's your innovation level?" that was published last Thursday in Dr Detlef Reis's  column 'Creativity Un-Ltd.' in the Bangkok Post.

The AHA Moment

Creative breakthroughs are essential to innovation, but how do they happen? What are the ingredients for those moments to arise?
In this clip Daniel Goleman explains 3 steps to a breakthrough including the conditions for an "Aha!" moment.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Christmas Creativity

Its close to Christmas. I have had a good year and I'm feeling generous. I have 5 copies of my book The Creative Edge Workshop on a disc along with some other great creative material. I am going to give these 5 copies to the first 5 people who want them - posted anywhere in the world. The catch - you have to be someone who visits my blog on regular occasions. This offer closes at Christmas so if you want a copy you need to let me have a postal address. You can either put it in the comments box or email me

At the Creative Edge

International Creativity Gathering Taranaki New Zealand March 2013
Why creativity?
The creative process is the most successful process for accomplishment in history. In today's world creativity is fundamentally important for our personal, social, economic and cultural well-being. The most important developments in civilisation have come about through the creative process. Without creativity their would be no progress.
Why Taranaki New Zealand?
Creativity happens at the EDGE. New Zealand sits on the EDGE of the world. Taranaki is on the EDGE of New Zealand. It is a creative place - we are known for our engineering and farming innovations, our creative industries and the vibrancy of our arts communities.Our natural environment is stunning.
We are looking at the three days in march that lead in to one of Taranaki's major creative attractions - WOMAD - the World of Music. Arts and Dance. You will be getting six days exposed to imagination, creativity and innovation.
We are seeking expressions of interest - in coming, in running a workshop, in sponsoring / partnering with us to make this a huge success.
We are open to your suggestions, hints, tips, advice, support - let us know via comments here or

The educational value of creative disobedience

Shared by Greg Fraley - an excellent article!!

“The principle goal of education is to create men who are capable of doing new things, not simply of repeating what other generations have done – men who are creative, inventive and discoverers” –Jean Piaget
plus a link to my own article on creativity and education

Sunday, December 4, 2011

The only way to thrive is to innovate. It's that simple.

Alex Tabarrok, professor at economics at George Mason University, says that only one thing will provide an edge: innovation. In response, Tabarrok has come up with a plan to launch a new “Innovation Renaissance,” powered by such diverse elements as patent reform and an educational overhaul.

The Creativity of Scientists

People sometimes argue about which scientific discovery or advance ranks as the greatest, as the most significant in the history of humankind. Popular answers include electricity, computers, immunizations, and antibiotics. Yet I would argue it's none of these, but rather the scientific method of inquiry itself.

Five Manifesto's for a Creative Life

A 'must-read' from Brain Pickings

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Are Creative People More Apt to Deceive?

A new research study suggests creative people are more likely to cheat than less creative people because their talent allows them to rationalize the action.

Creative Flow

Flow -- the mental state of being completely present and fully immersed in a task -- is a strong contributor to creativity. When in flow, the creator and the universe become one, outside distractions recede from consciousness and one's mind is fully open and attuned to the act of creating.

Creative leaders for chaotic times

Shared by Tara Grey Coste and the American Creativity Association

In his new book, "Great by Choice," co-author Jim Collins finds that the best-performing companies are led by executives who exhibit fanatic discipline, productive paranoia and empirical creativity.

From procrastination to done

Shared by Annalie Killian13 rules for realising your creative vision.