Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The LAB Man

Joe Miguez is known as 'the labyrinth man'. I had the pleasure of his company in South Africa at the 15th International Creativity Conference and participated in his workshop intriguingly titled "Quantum Chroma Dynamics - A Four Square Rapid Design System for Accelerating the Creative and Innovative Process". I think I was attracted to the workshop because I had no idea what it was about!!
Now I wasn't sure that I was a labyrinth type person - I am now.
I had similar sentiments expressed by Greg Fraley in his blog about Joe and labyrinths
http://www.greggfraley.com/blog/?p=217 and ended up a fan, as did Greg.
I'm not sure I can put my finger on what happened while walking Joe's indoor version of the labyrinth. My previous attempts at quieting and focusing my mind have not been particularly successful but with Joe's guidance this experience brought me closer to state of relaxed alertness than any other method I have tried. If you get the chance to walk a labyrinth with intention then do so.
Here is a link to an article to a masters level research paper that makes the link between creativity and the labyrinth. It is by Janice Fransisco and also appears on Greg Fraley's blog site. http://www.brainreactions.com/the-labyrinth-an-ancient-and-emerging-tool-for-idea-development.html
Pictures courtesy of Alan Black http://www.cre8ng.com/

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